ITAM Zabrze Testing laboratories
Technical testing of medical equipment
Our testing laboratory LAB-ITAM is accredited to Polish Accreditation Centre (PCA, AB 401 accreditation certificate). The range of accreditation is very broad, and the laboratory personnel guarantees high level of service and independence of tests results. Thanks to close contacts with other reputable labs LAB-ITAM is able to provide comprehensive service for a wide group of designers, producers and distributors, not only in the area of our medical specialization. The laboratory performs both types of tests: full type tests at the end of development stage and selected technical tests during different stages of product development.
EMC Testing Laboratory
From 1st January 1996, the EU directive (89/336/EEC) regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is legally binding. Products not complying with the requirements of the directive are not authorized for sale in the European Union. Electromagnetic compatibility means that given equipment and the installation or system is capable of correct functioning in a given electromagnetic environment, not producing excessive electromagnetic disturbances. The Institute offers help of experts and professional assessment regarding precompliance testing of electromagnetic compatibility of new devices and prototypes. We can offer support in the analysis of EMC test results leading to the reduction of electromagnetic disturbances and improving the EM resistance of the device.

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